October 4, 2007

Raining in Autumn

This morning I took my son grocery shopping. It was almost raining when we got out of the van. I say almost because it was just this cool, gentle mist with a heavier droplet every now and then. It seems to me that rain doesn't feel quite like this in any other season. As I've mentioned before, this is my favorite time of year.
Apple cider, crunchy leaves, warm colors, and everything else that attends fall just makes me happier. Today I realized I could add rain to the list. Winter rain is misery, spring rain is refreshing as it washes winter away, summer rain is a relief (at least here in Georgia), but autumn rain is peace. Something about standing outside when the air has a nip to it not yet a reminder of winter's biting cold, lifting my face into the mist and letting that occasional droplet slide down my cheeks like a tear or rest on my lips like a kiss from heaven brings me indescribable peace. I hope there's something in your life that brings you the same gentle fulfillment.
Have a beautiful autumn.

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