It's been a crazy year for Bryan and I. Yes, all twenty days of it. The company for which he works is expanding rapidly. This is really good for us. After four years of working hard, helping with things that weren't his job, and waiting, promotion appears imminent. You do reap what you sow, but some harvests take longer than others. Before Christmas, we agreed that he should "roll out" for four weeks to help open a new office. We're in the sixth week of that four. The imminent promotion seems like a carrot on a stick, some days- right in front of him, but no matter how fast he moves, he can't get a grip on it. In the mean time, there isn't enough work here. So he has the option of taking the same promotion in a different district here, coming home to do not enough work while he waits for the district he wants, or continuing to roll out until his district is available. The roll out option may well take most of the year. It's a hard choice for us. We want him home. We want the original district because we think he'd be happier there. We want out of debt, and the roll out money could get us there, or almost. I miss my husband, but a (nearly) debt-free horizon includes things like a house, a retirement fund, a college fund... He misses me and the boy, but the provider-voice in his head pushes him to stay away. Tonight, he tells me they may send him to a different office to train new technicians so the current office manager can roll out to still another city. For three or four weeks. With no visit home between cities. I'm looking at pet-friendly hotels.
He surprised me this past weekend with a visit home. We haven't been together since Christmas day. We talked about our possible choices a lot. For now, he's going to keep on rolling out. We'll wait for the better district. We'll be thankful for enough work and higher pay during such a hard economic time. We'll work hard on a long-distance love- we made it work before we were married, with Jesus' grace, we can do it now.
It's been a crazy year, and while financial blessings and promotions may be imminent, normality isn't anywhere to be seen.
Praying for you all...
I'm praying for you guys. Keep letting God lead you. I've been in a similar situation, only Ernie's was just a promotion and title change with more money. We chose it becasue of the money, but after a year of him on salary working twice as many hours for only a small increase in pay over the old job we finally were fed up with it. I prayed and cried (I was pregnant with #2) and raised our baby alone and finally Ernie asked for his old job back. God blessed us for going back and putting our family and marriage (it was getting rocky) back on top of our list of priorities. He was given his old job back, BUT his bass made sure it was not a step back dawn the ladder-- he got a lateral move from security to maintenance. He actually ended up with the best parts of BOTH jobs! It has been a blessing. It took us failing a little to see we made the wrong choice, but even in turning to God to ask to get us to get out of the pit we crawled into He blessed us and I know no matter what decision you make, right or wrong, God will show you the right way and will bless you for following it, even if it turns out the first decision was the wrong one.
This is supposed to bring you all confidence in choosing I hope it wasn't too melancholic or whatever... :)
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